Recently I was talking to an online acquaintance regarding the process of making tough decisions. My question to you is why are you afraid to take the risks that will make you happy?

People are Safe

You know what will make you happy don’t you? So why aren’t you doing everything you can to do it? I’ve seen in my life that I need encouragement do try something different. When I saw the coaching position open I was hesitant to apply, why? I knew that I had the knowledge of the sport and a want to coach. I was afraid of change and rejection.

In my job search after college I applied to numerous jobs over a ten month period. I had one interview and one job offer, it’s the position I hold now. Rejection, even after a year of employment, was still fresh in my mind. I really wanted to hold on to the job I had, and not risk losing it, especially since it pays my bills. However, I figured out that it was possible for the jobs to complement one another and I wanted to do something else with my time.

“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” - Leo F. Buscaglia

Breaking the Cycle

So how do you break the chain on a risk-less life? You take risks! Go do something you wouldn’t normally do. Apply for that dream job that you aren’t qualified for. The worst that anyone can say to you is “no thanks.” You might be afraid of rejection; but trust me, you’ll feel even more satisfied when you prove yourself wrong.

And one day, it will pay off. You will apply for the job and get it.

Tips to Succeed

If you want sure-fire ways to succeed in this, well send me the list too so we’ll both know. I do, however, have some tips of how to successfully take risks and feel rewarded.

  1. Start Small – Take small calculated risks to get warmed up to the big stuff. There’s no reason to over compensate for your lack of risk taking before.
  2. Be Confident – There’s nothing better than seeing someone who is confident in their skill sets. Believe in what you know and trust what you are doing. Do you think I knew anything about coaching going in? Nope, but I did have knowledge of the sport, how to do the technique and I was confident in relaying what I know to the group.
  3. Don’t Let Fear Guide You – If you are smart and confident about the risks you are taking and fear will no longer be a factor. Just make sure you aren’t stepping too far out of your comfort zone too fast or you might take steps backwards. Jumping too far ahead will ruin your risk taking abilities in the future.

So what are your thoughts? Why are you afraid to take risks? What tips would you add to people who are afraid to take risks? Input is always welcome and appreciated…