trust30: 5 Years, Before and After

There will be an agreement in whatever variety of actions, so they be each honest and natural in their hour. – Ralph Waldo Emerson What would you say to the person you were five years ago? What will you say to the person you’ll be in five years? Five years ago, I was in transition between the University of Evansville and Xavier University. The year was disappointing to me....

June 7, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: How Bold Will You Be?

Our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Next to Resistance, rational thought is the artist or entrepreneurs worst enemy. Bad things happen when we employ rational thought, because rational thought comes from the ego. Instead, we want to work from the Self, that is, from instinct and intuition, from the unconscious....

June 6, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: Come Alive!

Life wastes itself while we are preparing to live. – Ralph Waldo Emerson If you had one week left to live, would you still be doing what you’re doing now? In what areas of your life are you preparing to live? Take them off your To Do list and add them to a To Stop list. Resolve to only do what makes you come alive. Bonus: How can your goals improve the present and not keep you in a perpetual “always something better” spiral?...

June 6, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: Travel

If we live truly, we shall see truly. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there? I’ve been lucky… While I was still in school I was able to travel to the one place outside of the US that I’ve always wanted to visit, the Republic of Ireland....

June 4, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: Post-It and Wait

That which each can do best, none but his Maker can teach him. Where is the master who could have taught Shakespeare? Where is the master who could have instructed Franklin, or Washington, or Bacon, or Newton? . . . Shakespeare will never be made by the study of Shakespeare. Do that which is assigned you, and you cannot hope too much or dare too much. – Ralph Waldo Emerson...

June 3, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: My Personal (un)Shared Belief

It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance The world is powered by passionate people, powerful ideas, and fearless action. What’s one strong belief you possess that isn’t shared by your closest friends or family?...

June 2, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: Describe Today

Today’s task seems slightly more daunting than yesterday. Somehow I am supposed to describe my day in only one sentence. Shouldn’t be too hard…right? Author Liz Danzico. “Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance” My Response: Don’t let today get in the way of the rest of your life; you’ll have struggles but keep your friends and family close, they’re the best support you’ll ever need....

June 1, 2011 · Greg McMullen

trust30: 15 Minutes to Live

In an effort to improve my writing skills and to post more frequently I have decided to join the #Trust30 effort. Luckily I won’t have to be too creative as there will be prompts for me to write about. Today’s prompt by Gwen Bell is “15 Minutes to Live” “We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons....

May 31, 2011 · Greg McMullen

Prejudice is Alive and Well in 2011...Unfortunately

Author: Randy Clark I was enjoying a pleasant experience at a suburban men’s clothing store the other day. My sales person, John was enthusiastically taking my money and I was excited about the clothing he had up-sold me. I only went in for a shirt…the alterations on my new sport coat and 2 pair of slacks would be ready in 2 days. John was interrupted by another salesperson,”He doesn’t want me to wait on him....

May 25, 2011 · Greg McMullen

Indy Zoo and Garden

Decided to take a trip up to the Indy Zoo. Sarah and I really enjoyed being outside and I was surprised how active all of the animals were....

May 14, 2011 · Greg McMullen