- Road to/through Xavier developer, worked on bringing Vue.js into the student workflow
- Lead Developer for CitasCenter.com redesign
- Lead Developer for V5 project. Managed overall workflow and code development practices
- Provided training, documentation and development for new CMS environment
- Selection of CMS, V4 conversion to accommodate the new CMS
- Lead Developer for Content Delivery System
- Modified CMS blog component
- Integrated unique tracking system for article views and impressions
- V4 template redevelopment (on hold)
- Working to clean up base code for accessibility and performance
- Lead Developer for V4 Template Development
- Converted PHP template (from provider) to ColdFusion (for CMS)
- Implemented bootstrap-sass for server-side compiler
- Developed and actively maintain CMS and non-CMS based templates
- Email Template Refresh
- Assisted with email template refresh and code cleanup
- Setup code repository to host templates
- Lead Developer for Road to Xavier
- Designed/Developed HTML architecture for mobile-friendly framework
- Uses Foundation 4