Job Searching: What Not to Do!

Job searching is a necessary part of your professional life. However, there are some do’s and don’ts. Right now I’m going to talk about something that hits very close to home when it comes to searching for your next job or even your dream career. While the title of this post hints at what not to do I also want to touch on a few things that you should do....

June 21, 2011 · Greg McMullen

Finding your First Job

I know that when I started looking for jobs in college I looked for just about any place that was offering a job. The worst part about it was looking for something within my Degree (BSBA in Business Management). Obviously trying to find a “management” job was out of the question unless it would be lower-level. Target your Ideal Job The best advice that I can even begin to give to Juniors and Seniors looking for a permanent job is to target the type of job that you want not just what you pre-qualify yourself for....

September 2, 2010 · Greg McMullen