Improving Your Team Through Cuts

I’m starting to find myself in some tough spots. Last week we had a few guys that were having a rough time even making it through pushing off of a wall without stopping immediately. This combined with the fact that we have a 6-lane pool with over 30 swimmers meant that we unfortunately had to make some cuts. Now for a business example. We (at @UniqueHomeSol) recently setup a marketing group to head up our online, TV and print campaigns....

November 19, 2010 · Greg McMullen

Finding your First Job

I know that when I started looking for jobs in college I looked for just about any place that was offering a job. The worst part about it was looking for something within my Degree (BSBA in Business Management). Obviously trying to find a “management” job was out of the question unless it would be lower-level. Target your Ideal Job The best advice that I can even begin to give to Juniors and Seniors looking for a permanent job is to target the type of job that you want not just what you pre-qualify yourself for....

September 2, 2010 · Greg McMullen

Importance of your Avatar

I’m sure that you’ve heard the old phrase “Don’t Judge a book by it’s cover” but is that really how we operate? I know that I am guilty of judging someone based on their looks. When we are looking for something or someone we look at links, videos, and images. What I want to talk about is your personal appearance, particularly in your online avatar. If you were to show up to an interview in a pair of ripped jeans, a dirty polo and basketball shoes would you be received the same as if you were to show up wearing a professionally cleaned and tailored suit?...

August 26, 2010 · Greg McMullen